Bradley-Sigma Phi
Historical Landmark Preservation Fund
Established in 1991 this 501(c)3 charitable fund has been established to raise money to preserve the national historic landmark known as the Bradley-Sigma Phi house. Donations and bequests to the fund by Sigma Phi brothers and the public are used for things like roofing and gutter repairs, tuck pointing, fire suppression system maintenance, boiler repairs, etc. Photos of recent and planned projects can be seen here.
Support Preservation of the House
If you would like to support preservation of the national landmark house via a tax-deductible donation or bequest to the fund, you can do so by sending your donation to:
Bradley-Sigma Phi Historical Landmark Preservation Fund, Inc.
P.O. Box 5146, Madison, WI, 53705-0146
To donate via credit card on-line click here
Questions about the fund can be directed to the Fund's president
Rex Jones, at or (608) 338-8585