

One of Sigma Phi’s most famous alumni, Secretary of State and War, Elihu Root (a Nobel peace prize winner) highlighted that “no human institution lives long unless it fulfills a human need.” Sigma Phi is proud of being the oldest social fraternity in continuous existence since its founding in 1827. The enduring nature of Sigma Phi is one of its greatest traits, and, as we near our 200-year anniversary, we are as strong as we have ever been.
The founders envisioned a small community of men, and that vision has stayed with Sigma Phi to the present day. Expansion to other chapters has been limited and has only occurred at the highest quality institutions. The intimacy of Sigma Phi allows for a community where the development of individuals remain the focus, and where friendships formed in college last your entire life.
One of the four founders of Sigma Phi, Thomas Bowie, went on to become a representative in the United States Congress. This started the tradition of contribution to the community that brothers continue to foster. Such contributions are as diverse as the brothers themselves, with many excelling in private industry, education, and public service.