(Excerpt from https://calsigmaphi.org/)
"What makes a Sigma Phi member?
We seek individuals with these qualities: • A solid moral center • A positive attitude • Devotes time and energy to his brothers and our shared living experience • Exemplifies team spirit In short, we seek a person with a passion for his studies at Cal as he experiences life and the world around him in a small band of supportive, amazing people. Your Sigma Phi brothers have a shared zest for living and learning, yet each stands as a unique individual. Sigma Phi only flourishes because of its members' diverse life experiences. These shared core values and markedly unique backgrounds bind the Society together, giving strength like our House's varied wood grains. "
The Alpha of California showed there mettle and more by hosting the 2023 National Convention for the Sigma Phi Society.

Convention had no large changes but the conversation was spirited when it came to the future prospects for some of our dormant chapters. More spirit was also shown when expansion was discussed.

Four Vermont Sigs were banded together at the Banquet held at the International house next door to the Thorson House.

After Convention concluded; Old Sigs and New were united on the craft know as Agea, owned by LRG Gridley V'75 and docked in Sausalito, steered by DJ Della Badia, V'22 and crewed by Kurt Haigis, V'73; Joe Red Retinger, V22, and Jim Hansen, V'80 (taking picture). After thanking Randy for the trip, we brought our youngest brothers to the closest Extreme Pizza, founded by another prestigious Alpha of Vermont brother (guess who?), then wisked them off to the SFO airport for a red-eye trip to the East coast.

Meanwhile - back at the Bay the next day and after over a decade's absence from SF Bay and sailing; Jim and Kurt invited the actives from the Alpha of California onto a J105 chartered out of Berkeley's Modern Sailing Club on Monday. Alas, none would miss their academic responsibilities, so after a robust breakfast, Jim Hansen, V80; JB Britten, V02 and Kurt Haigis, V73 flew a spinnaker on the Bay by the Bridge. What a finish!
Captain Kurt! You let Jim steer? Looks like some good wind. Those are all good things to look for in a potential new member, and even more so when he becomes a brother.